Special Features of the School
1. Library
The School has spacious well equipped library with an adjacent reading room. The library has a good collection of books on various subjects.
2. Laboratories
Laboratory facilities are provided to the students. (Primary & Secondary as per Board)
3. Physical Education
(a) Indoor Games; (b) Outdoor Games
Every year Mahatma Gandhi Vidyalaya conducts Sports Day in a spectacular way with a mass gathering in the presence of eminence scholars.
4. Co-curricular Activities
- Bhajan
- Life Skill Classes – Yoga & Meditation
- Fine Arts Club
- Literary Association
- Science Club
- Math Club
- Book Club
- Eco Club
- Karuna Club
- Health and Wellness Club
Several competitions are conducted during the academic year to bring out and promote the inherent talents of the children in every field such as music, painting, drawing, arts, crafts and games.
5. Computer Science
Computer knowledge is imparted to all the students by skilled computer professionals.
6. Field Trips / Educational Tours
Educational Tours and regular field trips are organized every year to enable the students gain practical, visual knowledge.
7. Annual Day
Annual Day is an ear marked function in which Teachers and Students are rewarded for their intelligence.
Parents Co-Operation
Education is primarily the responsibility of the parents. Therefore they are expected to be co-operative with the school community with regard to pupil’s integral growth. Parents are requested to follow-up the child in its process of growth and maintain a cordial co-operative relationship with the school authorities.
The entrusting of a pupil to the school implies that parents agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the school. Parents should see that their children execute their home-work properly.
Parents are expected to co-operate with the teachers in developing a spirit of loyalty, good manners, Indian culture and tradition, gratitude and respect for elders, in their children.
Parents should see to the regular and punctual attendance of pupils. Parents may not interview teachers or enter the class rooms or staff – room during the school hours. Parents should see that the fees are paid in time as prescribed by the school.
School Rules and Regulations
- Pupils must be in School before 8.45 a.m. to attend assembly every morning. Late comers will not be permitted to attend school.
- Once the student enters the school premises he/she is not allowed to leave the same without an out-pass.
- The student should be responsible for his/her personal belongings. They are strictly forbidden from wearing any coated jewellery or carry expensive items.
- No student shall be absent without prior permission except due to unforeseen circumstances. Students applying for sick leave may be required to produce a Medical Certificate.
- Attendance is compulsory on the Sports Day, Annual Day, Children’s Day, Independence - Day and the Republic Day.
- Parents of Pre K.G., L.K.G. and U.K.G. children must be on time to take their children home.
- Parents and Guardians must collect Periodical Progress Reports and the same must be returned duly signed at the stipulated time during open day and informs their difficulties to their concerned Teachers.
- The Classroom and the School premises in general should be kept neat and clean.
- Parents are particularly requested to send their children, neat and clean to school. Uniform, Shoes, School Bags, Face Towels etc. should be washed/cleaned/polished regularly.
- Pupils who take tiffin in school should be provided with (i) Tiffin carrier clearly marked with the name and class. (ii) A face towel to wipe their face and hands. (iii) A spoon.
- The parents are requested to contact the teachers on 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month between 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm.
Self discipline is necessary to achieve Self - direction
News & Events
ADMISSION 2025-2026
Admissions registrations is in process for the academic year 2025-2026