V Muralidharan
President & Chancellor, DBHP Sabha

Shri Gangadharaswami Hiremath
General Secretary, DBHP Sabha / Correspondent MGV
Smt. K. Padmeshwari M.A.,B.Ed.,P.G.D.G.C
Principal MGV
Sr. No | Name | Designation |
1. | Shri. A.P.C.V Chokkalingam | Second Vice President
D.B.H.P.SABHA, Chennai – 17 |
2. | Shri Gangadharaswami Hiremath | Correspondent/General Secretary,
D.B.H.P.SABHA, Chennai – 17 |
4. | Smt. K. Padmeswari | Principal,
Mahatma Gandhi Vidyalaya D.B.H.P.SABHA, Chennai – 17 |
6. | Shri. Neelakanda Pillai | Director,
Vaishnav Group of Schools |
7. | Dr.C.Satish
Paavai Group of Schools Salem & Namakal |
8. | Shri.Kishore Kumar
Madras High Court, Chennai. |
9. | Smt.Sethubai | Educationist,
Vivekananda Educational Society, Chennai |
10. | Smt. Syriac Mary
Kendriya Vidyalaya, AFS, Tambaram, Chennai. |
11. | Smt. Lakshmi Prabha
Prasan Vidya Mandir, Mamandur. |
12. | Smt Rumis Jayantham | Teacher,
Mahatma Gandhi Vidyalaya, D.B.H.P.Sabha, Chennai - 17. |
13. | Smt.K.Revathi | Teacher,
Mahatma Gandhi Vidyalaya, D.B.H.P.Sabha, Chennai - 17. |
14. | Smt.Navashree.SU | Parent's Representative
(M/o Shripradha.Su - Class IX) |
15. | Shri. Vivekananda | Parent's Representative
(F/o S.V.Srinath - Class X) |
16. | Smt.P.S.Bindu | Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Gill Nagar
Member K V Principal |
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ADMISSION 2025-2026
Admissions registrations is in process for the academic year 2025-2026